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世界中の他の多くの地域とは異なり、 B.C.は、家庭、企業、自動車にほぼ100%ゼロエミッションの電力供給が可能な電力供給網を備えています。



B.C. businesses are well positioned to meet the interests of investors because of its competitive advantages.

Abundant Resources

B.C. is speeding up industrial decarbonization by harnessing one of its most reliable resources in the battle against climate change: its abundant, clean and cost-effective hydroelectric power supply as an alternative to fossil fuel.

Community and First Nations Engagement

B.C. works in partnership with First Nations and the clean energy industry on achieving agreements that ensure real benefits reach people in the province while also protecting our environment.

Easy Market Access

B.C. holds the most regionally advantageous position among other provinces in Canada for accessing global markets, such as Asia, the Americas, Europe and Africa where demand for hydrogen remains high.

Highly Skilled Workforce

British Columbia has a large, diverse, and educated workforce and a strong talent pipeline thanks to its education and training programs that prepare highly specialized workers in the clean energy sector.

Innovative Technologies

The province is accelerating technology development for a low-carbon future through the Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy and providing funding for development of innovative technologies in the clean energy sector.

Supportive Government

The B.C. Government prioritizes the expansion of the clean energy sector, actively fostering investment and striving to generate market opportunities for the province.

Sustainable Environmental Leadership

The CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 outlines the Province’s plan to reduce emissions by 40% by 2030, and includes a range of accelerated and expanded actions across eight pathways, including low-carbon energy, transportation, buildings, communities, industry, forest bioeconomy, agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries, and negative emissions technologies.

